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On 22/23 May,Dr. García of HC Fertility, attended the 5th National Meeting for Interested groups of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), held in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz).

At this meeting, each group had the opportunity to develop scientific developments within their area of research and study. In addition, the central joint conference-discussion focused on these two issues:

– Future of egg donation. – Is it possible to improve results in assisted reproduction?

Dr. Garcia impressions about the meeting were:

“During this conference he emphasized the failure of implantation and endometrial receptivity, reviewing the most recent scientific papers published regarding their study and treatment possibilities.

Also included sessions devoted to preserving fertility, no medical cause, that is, by postponing motherhood, and ovarian low response. For the latter situation, possible future therapeutic approaches, such as “follicle maturation in vitro and use of systemic stem cells or ovarian stem cells, to achieve germ cells (Occytes).”

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