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Pregnant women should not take any medication without first consulting their obstetrician, or medical team, if they are affected by Covid19.
Pregnant women should not take any medication without first consulting their obstetrician, or medical team, if they are affected by Covid19. Although we know that almost all medications carry some risk during pregnancy, it is usually low, and the risk-benefit of its administration is usually favorable, since obviously, to obtain a healthy baby we must have a healthy mother.
Muchas mujeres que no pueden tener hijos por problemas de fertilidad recurren a los tratamientos de reproducción asistida (fecundación in vitro principalmente), en los cuales, a través de una estimulación ovárica se seleccionan sus mejores óvulos para fecundarlos con el semen de su pareja o de otro donante, si así se requiere.
Donar óvulos, una actitud generosa y solidaria.
Muchas mujeres que no pueden tener hijos por problemas de fertilidad recurren a los tratamientos de reproducción asistida (fecundación in vitro principalmente), en los cuales, a través de una estimulación ovárica se seleccionan sus mejores óvulos para fecundarlos con el semen de su pareja o de otro donante, si así se requiere.
Pero hay casos en que la mujer, por diversas circunstancias -menopausia precoz, enfermedades, cirugías, haber padecido cáncer, edad avanzada u otras causas-, no produce óvulos propios o son de baja calidad. Una alternativa de tratamiento para ellas es recurrir a la recepción de ovocitos de una mujer donante en una clínica de fertilidad.
Así, la donación de óvulos es un acto solidario y sumamente generoso ya que va a dar la posibilidad de que otra mujer pueda cumplir su objetivo de ser madre, llevando una felicidad indescriptible a una pareja que lleva muchos años luchando por tener un hijo.
En HC Marbella Fertility Center queremos contribuir a culminar este objetivo.
Nuestro programa de donación de óvulos está dirigido a mujeres de entre 18 y 30 años que estén dispuestas, en un acto anónimo, voluntario y altruista, a ayudar a otras mujeres que no pueden ser madres por causas ajenas a su voluntad.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos para ser donante?
Los requerimientos para ser donante de óvulos en España están especificados en el Real Decreto 412/1996. En nuestro país, la legislación especifica que podrán ser donantes de óvulos las mujeres que así lo deseen y que reúnan los siguientes requisitos:
¿Cómo es el proceso de donación?
El proceso de la donación de óvulos es bastante sencillo. Deberás acudir a nuestro centro, donde hablaremos contigo sobre fertilidad femenina, la importancia de donar óvulos, la preparación para la donación y la intervención en sí misma.
Después, tras consulta con nuestros especialistas en fertilidad y el psicólogo, comienza el proceso que dura dos semanas.
El primer paso es preparar a la donante y sincronizar su ciclo con el de la paciente. El objetivo es conseguir que los ovarios de la donante produzcan más óvulos que en un mes normal. Esto se consigue a través de medicación, que te podrás poner tú misma en casa durante 10-12 días, durante los cuales, deberás acudir a la consulta para control. Una vez que están maduros, los óvulos se extraen mediante una leve intervención, vía transvaginal, que dura unos 15-20 minutos. Luego, permanecerás en la sala de recuperación del Centro entre 1 y 2 horas, hasta que terminen los efectos de la sedación. Si así lo deseas, puedes ir acompañada por alguien de tu confianza.
¿Existe una compensación económica?
Sí, en HC Fertility te ofrecemos una compensación económica por las molestias ocasionadas, que está fijada por el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Comisión Nacional de Reproducción Humana Asistida.
¿HC Marbella me garantiza la confidencialidad de mis datos?
Sí, HC Fertility garantiza el anonimato de la donante de óvulos y de la pareja receptora de esos óvulos.
¿Qué tengo que hacer?
Lo único que tienes que hacer es ponerte en contacto con nosotros a través del 952 908 897, donde te ampliaremos la información sobre la donación de óvulos y te concertaremos una cita para que puedas resolver todas tus dudas.
Recuerda que con tu solidaridad, ganas y haces posible el sueño de ser madre para otra mujer.
Egg vitrification: no need to rely on your biological clock… You would like to have children, you’ve always wanted them and your partner would like them too, however you are at a time in your life when having a child would prevent you from having the professional career you long for….,
or you still haven’t met the right partner. These are a couple of the reasons that many women decide nowadays to delay motherhood. However, if you don’t want to rely on your biological clock, egg vitrification could be the solution. It can also be used for medical reasons prior to chemotherapy, radiotherapy or removal of the ovaries as well as for endometriosis, for which reasons it was first prescribed.
What is egg vitrification?
Egg vitrification is an assisted reproduction technique which allows a woman’s eggs to be frozen at a stage in her life when she is still fertile, for use at an appropriate time in the future.
What is the process?
Vitrification is a type of freezing involving an ultra-rapid cooling technique. This prevents the formation of ice crystals within the egg which could damage its structure and leave it unsuitable for fertilisation.
The first and most important step is the selection of the fertility clinic where the treatment is going to be performed. The clinic should be accredited to carry out the procedure with professionals who are qualified to perform both egg vitrification and treatment afterwards when the time arrives. At HC Fertility, the Fertility Unit at HC Marbella, the whole process is performed by excellent professionals in a supportive, calm and confidential environment.
The duration of treatment varies from 8 to 10 days and consists of the following stages, which are very similar to the initial stages of in vitro fertilisation:
Ovarian stimulation.
Egg retrieval.
Egg vitrification.
And then what?
When you decide the time is right, the eggs which have undergone vitrification are defrosted. In vitro fertilisation treatment is then started to obtain the embryos which could lead to pregnancy.
What you should know:
This treatment will not affect your future fertility or your future egg reserves. It simply consists of obtaining eggs which would be lost in a normal ovulation cycle.
Probability of success is raised, it will essentially depend on your age when egg vitrification took place.
Egg vitrification can last for as long as you wish, the eggs can be used at a time which is most convenient for you.
There is no waiting list for donors at HC Fertility; once we have identified a suitable donor for you the preparation period is from 6 to 8 weeks.
You will be required to come for an initial consultation so that our specialists can study your case, we will also discuss the procedure and do any analysis required with the option of freezing a semen sample. This visit takes approximately 2 hours and includes an ultrasound scan. The consultation has a cost of 150€.
The second visit: arriving the day before the donor’s egg retrieval plan your stay for 6 or 7 days, or if a semen sample was frozen during your initial consultation you can arrange to arrive in time for the embryo transfer this is usually on day 3 or 5 following the egg collection. This way reducing the time needed to stay in Marbella.
We strongly recommend if possible to allow time to relax and enjoy your time in Marbella, as reducing the stress levels in assisted reproduction programs greatly improves the success rate. And where better than to relax and de-stress than Marbella…
In Spain all donations are anonymous. We are allowed to give you some information, for example her physical characteristics, blood group, age, nationality and if she is a proven donor or not. This means if she has donated before and been successful or if she has a child of her own.
The donors screening are those recommended by the SEF (Spanish Fertility Society) but at HC Fertility we do more than the recommended.
Research shows that the chemicals in cigarette smoke are harmful to eggs and sperm. Smoking can greatly reduce sperm count and decrease the response to stimulation and the rate of fertilization. Second-hand smoke also may decrease the odds that a fertilized egg will be able to implant in the uterus.
A well balanced diet comprised of a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables helps to increase your chances.
Being overweight or underweight can affect your chances of success and can lead to complications in pregnancy. Maintaining a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) within a range of 19-30 kg/m2 can help you achieve a better response to stimulation and treatment.
Heavy drinking exposes the fetus to toxins that may result in fetal abnormalities. It also affects sperm production and motility. Avoiding alcohol altogether during treatment is encouraged.
Relaxing and getting enough sleep can help reduce stress levels and relieve anxiety.
Gentle exercise is encouraged to improve health and help cope with the stress of investigations and treatment.