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One in five Spanish couples is affected by infertility

Unfortunately, infertility problems are increasing between our families and friends, according to data published by the SEF (Spanish Fertility Society).

One in five Spanish couples is affected by infertility, and this rate will continue to rise to one in four couples in a couple of years (estimated data).

Around 800,000 Spanish couples currently have fertility problems.


And the age does matter

Undoubtedly, the delaying when trying to have a baby is a major cause in the increasing of fertility problems on the population nowadays.

The infertility may be due to many factors, so that is why we treat each case as unique, though the most common factors we see in our High Complexity Case Unit are usually ovarian aging, a decrease in quantity and quality of the ovarian reserve, polycystic ovaries, better known in consultation as PCOS, endometriosis, Fallopian tube malfunction, etc.


A diagnosis of your fertility current status is the first step to ensure your dream of becoming a mother ... even if you think it is not possible.

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