9 June, 2020
Egg donation offers a high success rate

Egg donation is an assisted reproduction treatment that offers a high success rate. According to data from the Registry of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), the probability of achieving a pregnancy in the first cycle is 60%, 80% during the second cycle and 90% from the third cycle

What is the reason for egg donation success?
Success is high because the donors are healthy young women with high reproductive potential.
It is the same scenario, in terms of efficacy, that occurs if a woman has preserved her eggs at an early age, and in the future wants to use them, that is, she will self-donate her healthy and young eggs, preserving the maximum of its reproductive potential; instead of trying to get pregnant with a worsened egg reserve, most of the time due to an older age.

What requirements do donors meet?
For donors to be admitted to the egg donation program, they must meet strict medical, analytical (infectious and genetic), psychological, and healthy lifestyle requirements.
The age of the donor is a key factor, so young people between 18 to 30 years of age are usually selected.
Donors are subjected to the Test of Carriers of Recessive Genetic Diseases, a test that rules out a significant number of genetic diseases most prevalent, of which we usually do not know we are carriers, and in case of coincidence in the sperm and the egg, which is used; it may increase the risk of these diseases in the offspring.
Of course, the donor is selected taking into account your physical features so that they are as similar to you as possible.
Currently, the identity of the donor is completely anonymous according to the current law in Spain for assisted reproduction.

How will it affect my child genetically?
Treatment with donated eggs requires a reflection of the woman and the couple for the acceptance of motherhood with genetically different gametes, which is not easy on many occasions.
The traits that determine the genes are not the only ones that define the person, the environment where he develops greatly mediates the appearance, the way of being, and everything that is shared in the day to day of the upbringing of your child.
The experience of our patients, in these cases, continues to be very satisfactory.
How long does an egg donation treatment last?
In order to carry out an egg donation treatment, several factors determining the success and safety of the technique must be evaluated.
This involves studies in both members of the couple and in the donor that can last from a few days to a few weeks, depending on what they require.
Preparation of the donor and recipient for embryo transfer takes approximately 18-20 days.
After the transfer, the medication is continued and the pregnancy test is performed two weeks later, and depending on the result, the medication is suspended, if it is negative, or continued, if it is positive, until the ultrasound control 2 weeks later.
At HC Fertility we are experts in highly complex cases, we study and evaluate each case among the entire team to achieve the appropriate and perfect treatment for each patient.
Any questions you have we can resolve without obligation. You can contact us through our phone 952 908 987 or leaving your information and we will contact you. Don’t delay your dream anymore; don’t delay your motherhood any more.

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