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We have done the basic tests of fertility, apparently everything is fine; but still a pregnancy does not come and there are no other questions to ask … What now? Fiona Foddai, Coordinator of Fertility Programs at HC Fertility, tells us of some common causes that may be behind the diagnosis of infertility of unknown origin.

What is it and what can be the causes of infertility of unknown origin? When a couple has undergone fertility tests and no apparent cause has been found to prevent conception, it can be said that the infertility is of  a unknown cause. In men, the problem is usually genetic and cannot be detected with a normal sperm analysis;  it is necessary to perform a complementary examination of the semen known as FSH– thus analyzing the genetic structure; making a selection of sperm and proceeding to an in vitro fertilization treatment with ICSI. On the other hand, unsuccessful fertility attempts or repeated abortions may indicate that there is a genetic defect in the ovum,  for which the embryo does not advance. Or in some cases progresses but with a disease, which usually ends in abortion.

So after this type of diagnosis, what tests are important for the woman to do before a treatment? Among others, it is important to check the levels of the Anti-Mullerian hormone in blood to detect the ovarian reserve . A) Yes, • An optimal ovarian reserve value will be at 4-6 ng / ml; but you have to keep in mind that quantity and quality do not always go together. • A normal-satisfactory level will be at 2 ng / ml. • Less than 1 ng / ml is a low hormone level, in these cases it is very difficult for the embryo to advance – and egg donation would be the best option. Of course, you could keep trying with your own eggs as long as they are mature; or get to maturity in the laboratory.

And if all is well up to here, what remains to be done to achieve the desired pregnancy? If after thorough analysis there is still no cause of infertility and the embryos are good, there may be an endometrial problem. The ERA Test of endometrial receptivity is a biopsy that will help to assess the quality of the endometrium and choose the optimal moment for the embryo transfer. Other cases are women who abort always in the same period of a pregnancy: it could suggest a high immunity (NK cells) ,  the body rejects the embryo. These cases should be treated and evaluated by immunologists with intravenous therapies.

And of course, the psychological aspect is very important. In cases of stress, we recommend following therapies with our psychologist Verónica Villalba; It helps our patients psychologically in the pre-treatment during and after, achieving higher success rates.

Finally and to achieve this dream, how to improve our reproductive health before a treatment? We recommend not to drink alcohol and lead a healthy, happy and peaceful life. And remember that although the cause that prevents pregnancy is unknown, it does not mean that you cannot start assisted reproduction treatment and satisfactorily treat these cases.


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