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At HC Fertility, we offer our patients the possibility to perform genetic compatibility tests, both in the case of couples that are going to cycle with their own gametes and for those couples thatuse donor gametes, whether it be a donation of semen, ovules or both.
This test detects hereditary genetic diseases that could be passed on to your future child. These genetic diseases are due to alterations in DNA, which is what we know as mutations.
Each one of us, despite being healthy, are carriers of different recessive genetic mutations, which do not cause disease in us, but in the case that our partner has the same mutation, there is an increase in the probability of conceiving a baby with a genetic disease. Genetic diseases have no cure, but we can prevent them by performing this test before conception.
The test consists of taking a blood sample from both members of the couple, or from the spouse of the couple and donor, for further analysis by a specialized genetics laboratory. Once the results are obtained, what is known as Matching will be done, that is, cross the informationobtained to verify that the two members of the couple are not carriers of the same alteration, and in this way the disease will not be transmitted to the future baby. If both partners presented the same alteration, they could resort to performing a Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in the case of a serious disease.