12 February, 2020
What is the origin of celebrating Saint Valentine’s day?
Saint Valentine, the feast of love, the date on which chocolates and flowers walk through the streets wearing their red bows … but do we really know the true origin of Valentine?
They come from a very old holiday that dates back to Roman times, a celebration related to spirit purifying rituals, which was celebrated on February 15. It was a sexual holiday, known as the lupercals, where naked young people (the lupercos) were thrown into the street, in conclusion, a pagan festival related to fertility.
On this day, groups of young people could be seen in the streets making sacrifices, with goats and other animals performing a ritual, from which they obtained the skins and made whips of this same material and ran through the city whipping all the people who they encountered, this far from anger, was a blessing, especially to women, as receiving a whiplash was understood as a blessing for their fertility.
Love undoubtedly circulated freely at these parties … over time this party was softened, due to emerging Christianity and thanks to stories of romantic writers it became a feast of love, what we know today as Saint Valentine’s day … taking its name from moving the date to February 14 and coinciding with the date on which a Christian named Valentín was martyred, in the year 270.
Undoubtedly, both love and fertility is to celebrate every day, we see it in our consultations, every time patients come with the illusion of fulfilling their dream of being moms and dads, and of course after their treatment to listen to the Your baby’s heartbeat, that’s a true love.
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Miriam Valcarcel Embrióloga en HC Fertility Marbella ...
[Continue reading ]16 July, 2015