25 August, 2021
5 most common causes of infertility

Have you been trying to conceive a baby for a long time, but you are not successful? … You should seek help before feeling discouraged and worried.
Here we will focus on female infertility, but male infertility can also be an x factor for couples seeking pregnancy and needs to be valued.
Female fertility can be affected by several reasons, here we will tell you the 5 most frequent factors:
1.- I suffer from endometriosis
It is a chronic disease, one of the most common causes for a woman not achieving pregnancy naturally.
It is a disorder that may not present symptoms, so it goes unnoticed on many occasions.
So that you can identify them, these are some of the symptoms that may appear:
- Heavy bleeding during menstruation.
- Pain when having sex.
- Bleeding outside the menstrual period.
- Severe cramps and pain during menstruation.
- Dysmenorrhea.
2.-I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
It is a complex metabolic disorder that affects fertility due to a fundamental characteristic which is the absence of ovulation (also known as anovulation).
The most characteristic symptoms are:
- The menstrual cycle is not regular, it can come in less than 21 days or not come at all without medication.
- Appearance of hair on the face, chins, etc.
- Acne on the face and chest.
- Weight gain, or difficulty despite taking steps to lose weight.
3.- Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)
Having ovulation disorders is a fairly common cause of infertility in women, sometimes women do not give enough importance to these aspects until they want to become mothers.
The amenorrhea can be produced by several factors, the most common are:
-Suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, discussed above.
-Weight changes, loss or sudden weight gain.
-High levels of prolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk.
4.-I have blocked fallopian tubes
Injuries to the fallopian tubes can affect fertility.
The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus. They are thin tubes, through which the oocyte must move in order to be fertilized.
The causes of this obstruction can come for several reasons. The most common known cause is an infection called Salpingitis that causes inflammation inside of the tube.
This infection can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, that is why it is so important to treat all these diseases as quickly as possible.
Another reason may be Hidrosalpinx, an accumulation of fluid in one of the tubes, usually consequence of an infection.
The most common symptoms are pelvic pain, unusual vaginal discharge, or abdominal discomfort.
Without a doubt, the age it is a determining factor when a couple is trying to conceive. The biological clock for fertility does not stop and increases significantly as we get older. In those cases, the only recommendation would be not postponing it any longer and going to a human reproduction specialist assisted to carry out a complete diagnosis of your fertility.
Provided with a whole perspective on your fertility status help you to make the right decision according to your situation.
You can decide to become a mother soon or delay motherhood, freezing your eggs, ensuring their quality and quantity.
These are some of the most common reasons for our patients in the High Complexity Case Unit in our assisted reproduction Clinic.
Every day, women of all ages come so that we can accompany them to fulfill their dream to become mothers.
Do not wait any longer to inform yourself on your fertility health. Now it is quick and easy! At HC Fertility we can perform all the tests you need and have the results to assess your case with the gynecologist who is an expert in fertility.

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