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Starting a family can become a long-distance race full of obstacles. When we decided to have children, we did not imagine the adventure that awaited us, tests, tests and more tests to understand why a pregnancy did not arrive. Waiting for Beta results, positives that became negative in a few days, inevitable dates of birth in mind that were useless … And all this seasoned with permits at work and a moral increasingly undermined.

After 2 egg collections and 4 transfers of 6 embryos that did not implant we arrived at HC Fertility where they completed the studies we had started and got our daughter on the third. Our little one was the result of the seventh attempt, when we were about to resign ourselves and throw in the towel.

The psychological fatigue in these cases exceeds the physical so for us it was essential to have the support of a team that offers closeness, empathy and confidence.

After 14 months of having our baby we decided to try to give her a little brother. Once again we put ourselves in the hands of HC Fertility and this time the first time we got the expected positive converting us at once into a large family.

Life is capricious!


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