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In men, the more ejaculations, the better the quality of semen. It is a good stimulus for the formation of sperm in the testicles or “spermatogenesis”.

Contrary to what is often said, sexual activity is beneficial for assisted reproduction if it is practiced frequently. In men, the more ejaculations, the better the quality of semen. It is a good stimulus for the formation of sperm in the testicles or “spermatogenesis”.

Calidad del semen

The degree of sexual arousal during masturbation directly affects the quality of semen. The quantity, quality, volume of the ejaculate and the level of orgasm depend on the excitement. The sample is more complete the greater the intensity and time of the previous excitation. This is because it increases more the vascularization of the seminal vesicles and the prostate which are the glands that produce the seminal fluid and it is favored so that the ejaculation is complete.


Sources: HC Marbella

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