Fertility. The final decision on #embryo transfer: How many embryos do I transfer? One or two?
Rafa and Susana are going to start their assisted reproduction treatment at HC Fertility. And they have to make the final decision of the embryo transfer. We ask them:

Implantation: the most delicate and mysterious phase of pregnancy
Only 30% of the embryos naturally implant.

Is male fertility declining?
Some experts suggest that the sperm count is in decline.

Compatibility Testing or Genetic matching
The tranquility of leaving the best inheritance possible: HEALTH.

ROPA Method in Marbella: FIV for married women couples
The ROPA method means a shared maternity, based on the “receipt of the couple’s eggs”.

Causes of Female Infertility
When should I start worrying about not conceiving?

Causes of male infertility
A common scene in the majority of specialist fertility clinics…

The transfer of embryos: A decision of numbers
The decision to perform an in vitro fertilization (IVF) or an ICSI is usually accompanied by a very common doubt … What chance do I have of having a multiple birth with this technique? …

#Egg Vitrification
Egg vitrification: no need to rely on your biological clock…

Is there a waiting list for the egg donation program?
And how many times do I have to come to Marbella and for how long?