Why choose an IVF cycle outside the UK?
Probably due to the high Costs and restrictions the UK has when offering assisted reproduction cycles.

Prices and Options for Egg Donation cycles
Egg donation is intended for women whose ovaries have lost the ability to produce healthy eggs, necessary for the implementation and development of a gestation.

Stages of an assisted conception cycle infographics

Freezing sperm at 18
The fact that parenthood is postponed increasingly more time has led the British Dr. Kevin Smith to state that men should have their sperm frozen at 18 years of age for use at a later date, with age the chances of having a child with certain disorders increases.

Endometriosis, a disease that can affect fertility
Endometriosis is a disease that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Painful periods and infertility are the main symptoms that can lead to this diagnosis, and other more specific tests such as biopsy. Although endometriosis can be a symptom of infertility, only 20-30% of women suffering from endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant.

Breaking the “Family Curse” with Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis
There are many genetic diseases that can be transferred from parents to children such as hemophilia, Tay-Sachs, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Down’s syndrome and many others.

A multicenter prospective study to assess the effect of early cleavage on embryo quality, implantation, and live-birth rate
Early cleavage, understood as the first embryo mitosis at 25–27 hours after insemination, has been considered to be an embryo quality parameter (1–9).