Male infertility: has there been an increase in cases over the last few years?
Nowadays, it is relatively common to have friends or family members with problems in achieving pregnancy, and even we can be affected at any given time.

Endometriosis: what are its main symptoms and treatment?
Currently, endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women during their reproductive years. While the exact origin is uncertain and it is a relatively unknown disease, its symptoms are evident in many women and can even hinder the daily life of those who suffer from it.

Research applied to Reproductive Medicine
Achieving pregnancy is a synonym of hope, and even more so in the case of patients who were forced to resort to the help of assisted reproduction in order to conceive a baby.

Pregnancy after cancer
When we talk about cancer, we are referring to a silent disease that often presents itself without warning and regardless of our sex or age. Although it is a pathology that tends to be diagnosed at older ages, there are a large number of young patients who suffer from this affliction.

Implantation failures
In recent years, thousands of women and couples have resorted to assisted reproduction techniques to achieve pregnancy. One of the main factors is the age at which, on many occasions, patients attempt to conceive. Unfortunately, the more advanced the age is, the more incompatible it becomes with a natural pregnancy. It is at this point that many patients seek the help of the clinics to diagnose the problem that hinders pregnancy and begin the most appropriate treatment to achieve it.

The quest for a second pregnancy
As a general assumption, when a woman has already managed to get pregnant and have a child, we believe that she does not present any fertility-related problems. Although this is often the case, the truth is that the body of a woman can change over the years for a variety of reasons.

A beautiful and important 2022 is coming to an end
The end of the year is approaching and at HC Fertility we always like to take a little break to think and reflect on everything that has happened during the year that is coming to an end.

What are the forbidden foods?
How many of you have already had more than one Christmas dinner or lunch with work colleagues or school friends?

Why are we postponing motherhood more and more?
Discussing about assisted reproduction is becoming more common in many of the conversations we may have within our circle of friends and with our own families, and part of this is due to the fact that the number of couples and women who resort to clinics to achieve pregnancy is on the rise. Unlike a few years ago, when mentioning the impossibility of achieving pregnancy and having to resort to a specialist was almost a taboo subject, today it is becoming an increasingly normalized situation. As for the reasons behind this scenario and the reasons why many women do not achieve pregnancy naturally, there is no doubt that the age at which we seek pregnancy is the main factor contributing to this increase in the number of patients who resort to assisted reproduction clinics.

Fertility preservation in oncological patients
New therapeutic advances and preventive early diagnosis have led to a significant increase in survival rates in recent years. However, many of these treatments (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormone treatments) can entail fertility disorders in patients during their fertile years.