How long does IVF treatment take?
In total, preparation for the complete IVF process can last between 6 and 8 weeks. However, the start of stimulation until embryo transfer lasts between 14 and 18 days if the procedure is performed during the same cycle.

Some experts suggest that the sperm count is in decline
At least this is the result of the ‘1st National Semen Study of Young Spaniards‘ which concludes that more than half of males between 18 and 30 years old have poor quality sperm. The study has been carried out in more than 60 reproduction clinics spread across the 17 autonomous communities.

The age, to have a baby, matters
The results obtained in HC Fertility Marbella in recent years show us the importance of the woman’s age in assisted reproduction treatments using her own eggs. In patients under 35 years of age, the probability of achieving a pregnancy is 57% decreasing to 17% when the woman is over 39 years old. It is therefore important if you are considering motherhood, but the time is not right to preserve your fertility. You can freeze your eggs and when you want to become a mother, your eggs will be the age at which you froze them.

Sperm samples: Curiosities of Fertilization in the Laboratory
The guideline values of the WHO (World Health Organisation) for the year 2010 establish as the normal base limit for the volume of a sperm sample > 1.5ml.

Eggs: Curiosities of fertilization in the Laboratory
The eggs retrieved through follicular puncture are kept in incubators in the IVF laboratory where they are prepared ready to be inseminated, depending on the technique to be used, IVF or ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection), or to be vitrified and cryopreserved for future use.

Fertility. The consequences of delaying #motherhood
The average age at which women today have their first child is around 32, but many delays that moment even more. Medicine allows us to face our biological clock, but what are the consequences? Is it harder today than before to have children?

Fertility. Myths and realities about what facilitates a pregnancy
* There are many false beliefs about what makes or hinders pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to dismantle myths and solve the main pre-existing doubts that couples have while looking for pregnancy.