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Implantation failures

In recent years, thousands of women and couples have resorted to assisted reproduction techniques to achieve pregnancy. One of the main factors is the age at which, on many occasions, patients attempt to conceive. Unfortunately, the more advanced the age is, the more incompatible it becomes with a natural pregnancy. It is at this point that many patients seek the help of the clinics to diagnose the problem that hinders pregnancy and begin the most appropriate treatment to achieve it.


Endometriosis is a chronic and benign inflammatory disease, characterized by the presence of endometrial cells (cells that form the lining uterus, known as endometrium) in the abdominal cavity.  Most of the times, it is a condition that cause abdominal and pelvic pain and possible infertility. Normally, it can affect about 10% of women in reproductive age, worldwide. In Spain there are 5 million carriers of endometriosis and in Andalusia up to 850 thousand.