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When I was told that I could never have my own child and that I should get a hysterectomy by the doctors in the US, I decided to go to Spain as I had learnt they are very strong in fertility. Luckily, we found Dr. Garcia and Maria Jose and I sent her an email immediately. She replied promptly to my email and to all my other emails and infinite questions, concerns and worries.

When I met them, after a few months of being in contact with them, they were even more professional and caring. Dr. Garcia reassured me that IVF is actually for women who have problem with their uterus and that I do have a chance! His approach was absolutely scientific and at the same time compassionate.

I will never forget Maria Jose’s eyes full of tears and her smiling expression right after Dr Garcia transferred the embryos. I felt so much love and I could feel how much she believes in what she does and how she did it all with all her heart. I’m so grateful I trusted them. I got pregnant on the first attempt!!! And now my life has a sense. I can’t thank them enough for helping me experiencing motherhood.

There are so many desperate women in the US. If only they knew about HC and the great work you are doing.

M from San Francisco

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