2 February, 2024
Wanting but not being able to

There is a word that clearly defines the workings and dynamics of the HC Fertility centre: humanity. Our team is comprised of different types of professionals, but above all, we are people who care about people.
Infertility and conception difficulties are much more common than we think. In Spain alone, it is estimated that this problem affects approximately 2 out of every 10 couples in their reproductive years.

Wanting and hoping for a pregnancy and not being able to achieve it is not something we often think about unless the problem arises, and in many cases, when entering the world of fertility treatments, patients find themselves completely blind in a path they never thought they would have to tread. There is only one way to alleviate this frustration caused by lack of knowledge: by receiving information. And nothing is better than being advised by professionals who have dedicated practically their entire adult lives to identifying the solution to the infertility problem of a couple.


With this idea as the foundation for starting a fertility treatment, we encourage anyone who is even the slightest bit curious about the state of his or her reproductive health to have a first visit with one of our medical experts in the field. This medical consultation is exactly that: an informative visit, in which the medical staff obtains information about the particular case of the person in front of the doctor and, at the same time, the person can have all his or her legitimate doubts clarified.

Paula Núñez García
In other words, the patient is guided along a path full of emotions, not always good, but not always bad either. The aim is for both parties to understand the reason for the consultation and to make an initial contact with a clear common objective from the outset, namely: to gain more knowledge, to preserve the reproductive health for another time when the person is more prepared or to achieve a pregnancy.


Taking the step to learn more about your personal situation is not easy. It is often more comfortable not to face reality: to assume that there is a problem, but not to verify if there really is one, and to simply let time pass until it is too late. In many cases, the fear of discovering that the problem has its origin in oneself prevents us from finding the reason for the infertility. We need to understand that it is not a question of who has the problem, but of what the solution is. And this, in an established couple, requires both partners to work together.

When a couple is actively seeking pregnancy and does not achieve it, the medical recommendation is to consult a specialist after one year if the woman is under 35 years of age, and after 6 months if she is older than 35 years of age. There are those who do it earlier, but the vast majority do it later. The first step is to accept that the problem exists, and the next one is to look for a team of professionals who are committed to achieving a goal: making what you want a reality. The first visit is the instrument we have for the medical team to get to know you, for you to get to know the medical team, and for both of you to get to know yourselves a little better. This is precisely why the first visit at HC Fertility is free, because we believe in the importance of giving all couples the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information.

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