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It is important to know that at HC FERTILITY we are convinced that if there is a possibility of pregnancy – no matter how small – every patient has the right to know it, and to make their own decision

Each type of Assisted Reproduction treatment offers different probabilities. Except in the case of egg donation, the age of the patient is a determining factor, since, after the age of 35, the reproductive potential of a woman’s eggs decreases rapidly.


There are two well differentiated techniques:

Artificial insemination
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  • Artificial insemination is a simple technique, with few side effects and little risk, yet it has a limited chance of pregnancy, around 12 or 13 percent. It is for this reason that the patients to be performed this technique should be carefully selected, advising that they be young women with good ovarian reserve and provided that the seminal sample is normal or the alteration is mild.
In vitro fertilization
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  • In vitro fertilization, better known as IVF / ICSI, whose success rates are closely linked to maternal age. Thus, in a couple, if the woman is 35 years old or younger, the chances of pregnancy if an embryo in the blastocyst stage is transferred is around 50%. However, at 40 years of age, gestation rates drop to 25-30% if we transfer 2 embryos and it drops to 5-7% in the 42-44-year-old group “.

That the success rate increases with more attempts does not mean that the effects accumulate or that fertility increases during the process, but it increases the cumulative possibility of achieving a pregnancy if you continue trying in a second or third cycle.

What is certain is that the fact of making a good previous diagnosis and a first attempt provides very valuable information that serves to implement certain specific techniques adapted to the specific problem of the couple and that helps to achieve pregnancy.

At HC Fertility

we have achieved success rates higher than the average of the Spanish centers that are reflected in the SEF registry.

Fuentes: Sociedad Española de Fertilidad /HC Fertility center

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