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Dear patients, and especially Friends:

6 weeks ago in full ascent of Covid19, on our own initiative, in the first instance, and on the recommendation of the main national and international societies in the field of assisted reproduction (SEF, ESHRE and ASRM) and the Ministry of Health, in the following days. We stopped all treatments: insemination, IVF, embryo transfer and egg donation programs.

We were very aware, at that time, of the great damage that we caused to your expectations and illusions, by delaying the possibility of having that long-desired son or daughter, but at that time your safety and that of the HC Fertility Team prevailed.

You can be sure, that in Spain there is one of the best networks of Assisted Reproduction Centers in the world, and that under the umbrella of the Spanish Society of Fertility (SEF), Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO / SEISEGO), Association for The study of Biology of Reproduction (ASEBIR), and Ministry of Health (MSCBS), we operate with the most rigorous security systems, quality controls, and always under scientific rigor, HC Fertility is proud to belong to this great group that helps to achieve your dreams.

Fortunately, these past 6 weeks have paid off; the rate of new cases, of admitted and critical patients, decreases consistently; and life is moving forward, with changes of all kinds that we will assume; all of us should be close to those who lost loved ones; and we more than ever, support those who want to bring new life.

The latter, we are pleased to report that both the Central Government and the Andalusian Government have authorized the restart of assisted reproduction treatments, after favorable reports from all the national and international scientific societies that govern us; recommending the restart of our activity.

Support those patients, in whom a delay of months, can seriously compromise their reproductive project

And above all, that we promptly support those patients, in whom a delay of months, can seriously compromise their reproductive project, given that age is the most important factor, in order to have a child; among these 3 groups stand out:

  • Patients with low ovarian reserve (few eggs)
  • Patients 38 years or more.
  • Patients who want to preserve their fertility (freeze eggs), before cancer treatments, or otherwise, that may damage the ovaries; and thus be able to become mothers, once the disease is overcome.
  • Our doors are open, HC Fertility team

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