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Ensure your fertility before an oncological process

Everyday more women and men are diagnosed with cancer at fertile age. Some of the cancers with the highest impact are breast and prostate cancer. In women, breast cancer has a high survival rate thanks to the early detection through breast examination and ultrasound controls. Also other relevant type is the gynecological cancer, a term that includes ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer. This kind of tumor can have a direct impact on the fertility, due to the need for treatment in the reproductive areas. In men, the prevalence of prostate cancer increases with the age, but thanks to early diagnosis, through a blood test, survival rates are very high. In addition, another type of cancer, such as testicular cancer, affects young men of fertile age, although with a lower frequency. Self-palpation of the testicles is recommended for early detection and prompt treatment. The cancer itself, and the future treatment to reverse its effects, can have negative consequences on the patient’s fertility, causing both temporary and permanent infertility. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is important to discuss with your doctor the different options you have to preserve your fertility before cancer treatment.

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You are one step away from fulfilling your dream

We understand that choosing a Fertility Clinic to fulfill your baby dream is a very important decision. So, before making the decision on who will accompany you on your fertility journey, we invite you to meet us without commitment, totally free. Our coordinator Gisele will accompany you to: Introduce yourself to our fertility team Know our facilities Solve questions Book your informative appointment today! It is totally * free.   *It does not include consultation with specialist doctor nor tests.


5 most common causes of infertility

Have you been trying to conceive a baby for a long time, but you are not successful? … You should seek help before feeling discouraged and worried. Here we will focus on female infertility, but male infertility can also be an x factor for couples seeking pregnancy and needs to be valued. Female fertility can be affected by several reasons, here we will tell you the 5 most frequent factors:

Pack fertilidad mujer

Which are the basic tests to determine female fertility?

Hormonal analysis This is one of the main tests performed to find out whether there are any fertility problems in a woman or not. Through a blood test we check the main hormones, such as: FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, progesterone and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). This test allows us to know if there are hormonal problems causing an alteration in the menstrual cycle and find out about the woman’s ovarian reserve.   Ultrasound In a female fertility study a transvaginal ultrasound is performed, to observe the uterus and ovaries, verifying that there is no uterine malformation or any other anatomical complications, that may lead to fertility problems, and also an antral follicle count (RFA) will be performed during the first days of the cycle. The results of the antral follicle count and the AMH value will tell us about the status of the ovarian reserve.   Karyotype Although this is not one of the basic tests, it is advisable, in order to evaluate the female´s chromosomal structure and discard any possible chromosomal alterations that may be the origin of sterility or infertility. It is carried out from a blood extraction (the same as for a regular blood analysis), for which it is not necessary to be fasting. It will take between 15 to 20 days for the results to be ready.