What is low ovarian reserve?
The ovarian reserve could be defined as the number of available eggs that a woman has at a given moment in her life. We should not confuse low ovarian reserve with low ovarian response, which we will talk about in the next chapter.

The egg quality
The good quality of the eggs is essential to be able to have a baby, since, to transform into a healthy embryo; the egg needs to have the appropriate chromosomes and the ability to combine them with those of the sperm.

Notice restarting treatments of assisted reproduction
Dear patients, and especially Friends: 6 weeks ago in full ascent of Covid19, on our own initiative, in the first instance, and on the recommendation of the main national and international societies in the field of assisted reproduction (SEF, ESHRE and ASRM) and the Ministry of Health, in the following days. We stopped all treatments: insemination, IVF, embryo transfer and egg donation programs.

Egg donation, an assisted reproduction technique well worth considering
Many couples experience difficulty in conceiving due to several factors, the main one being lifestyle changes. Motherhood has been delayed because the necessary incorporation of women in the workforce to obtain professional and economic stability and because of this, the average age nowadays for first time mothers is 35 – the age at which there are higher risks of infertility.

Fertility. How to face #stress when you cannot have a child?
* Stress is intimately related to the experience of infertility, as a result of the difficulty to conceive a child, of not knowing what is the cause of infertility, not knowing if a pregnancy is going to be achieved some day and of the pressure that is felt from the exterior world.

Fertility Goddesses. The Great Mother Goddess
Under the rule of the Great Mother Goddess. The first great divinity that governed Humanity was not a god, but a goddess. Or rather, multiple goddesses, each adapted to the idiosyncrasy of the tribes and peoples who worshiped them. Although overthrown by the male gods, the Great Mother Goddess still has a remarkable, if buried, presence even today. HC Fertility tells you the story.

Fertility Goddesses. Aphrodite
Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love, sex and fertility …

Dious of Fertility. ISIS
Fertility has always been the object of devotion, and this is demonstrated by the multiple goddesses who embodied it.

Pregnancy. Infertility of unknown origin
We have done the basic tests of fertility, apparently everything is fine; but still a pregnancy does not come and there are no other questions to ask … What now? Fiona Foddai, Coordinator of Fertility Programs at HC Fertility, tells us of some common causes that may be behind the diagnosis of infertility of unknown origin.