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Ilustración HC Fertility


Miriam Valcarcel

How does the number of eggs decrease over the years?

The amount of a woman’s eggs decreases from the moment of birth, over the years, until menopause is reached. It is estimated that women are born with approximately 2 million eggs. This figure decreases over time and when they reach adolescence, they have about 40,000 eggs. Eventually, only about 400 become ovulated, usually 1 for each menstrual cycle.

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Egg donation offers a high success rate

Egg donation is an assisted reproduction treatment that offers a high success rate. According to data from the Registry of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), the probability of achieving a pregnancy in the first cycle is 60%, 80% during the second cycle and 90% from the third cycle

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What is low ovarian reserve?

The ovarian reserve could be defined as the number of available eggs that a woman has at a given moment in her life. We should not confuse low ovarian reserve with low ovarian response, which we will talk about in the next chapter.

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maria jose figueroa embriologa directora

The egg quality

The good quality of the eggs is essential to be able to have a baby, since, to transform into a healthy embryo; the egg needs to have the appropriate chromosomes and the ability to combine them with those of the sperm.

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