Can the psychologist help me during the treatment for assisted reproduction?
Many uncertainties arise during such an important process as in vitro fertilisation and many are the emotional states which our patients go through. In HC Fertility Marbella we are supported by experts in Psychology who can play a role by helping those patients in need of advice. In this note we clarify certain relevant aspects.
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There is an increasing demand for Assisted reproduction
Assisted reproduction is increasingly in demand, and the most important reason is the delay in the age of women having her first child. The average age of first birth in 1975 was at 28 years and currently is at 32.
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How can i find out how many eggs i have left?
Their role is fundamental in supporting well-functioning female reproductive health. 70% of Spanish women do not know that there is a measuring indicator through which you can find out the number of functioning eggs you have.
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Spain, leading destination for fertility tourism
40% of Europeans who travel abroad to undertake fertility treatment come to Spanish centres, encouraged by the law that permits access to women on their own and assures anonymity to the donor.
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Did you know that spain is the leader in assisted reproduction?
We apply more personalised therapies which are less aggressive, designed to protect the patient’s health and wellbeing. Thanks to perfecting the protocols of ovarian stimulation, we can harvest a larger number of mature ovocytes, thus raising the chances of pregnancy.
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Our patients say

"“Jordana’s experience and professionalism convinced us that this was the right place for us”"
“I came to HC Marbella after 4 natural conceptions having ended in 4 miscarriages, in my country ...
[Continue reading ]"“There are not enough words to thank the whole team”"
“There are not enough words to thank the whole team for all the commitment and affection that ...
[Continue reading ]"“I have felt very comfortable and close”"
Superb clinic, thank you to Dr Jordana Mata and Patricia, coordinator, both very kind and caring pro...
[Continue reading ]"I’m a woman of 44 years and since I was a little girl I dreamt to have my own family."
I’m a woman of 44 years and since I was a little girl I dreamt to have my own family. Unfortu...
[Continue reading ]"Dealing with the Fertility department is like visiting your second family"
Dealing with the Fertility department is like visiting your second family . All the staff are so fri...
[Continue reading ]"A very big thank you"
A very big thank you to the HC fertility clinic team in Marbella Dr.Arantxa and Gisele for helping u...
[Continue reading ]"From the bottom of our hearts a big thank you to everyone."
"I thank the entire HC team"
I thank the entire HC team that followed me throughout this long process… but especially Gisele fo...
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